Antioch Baptist Church

130 1st St.

Albertville, Alabama 35950

Bro. Justin R. Childers

Bro. Justin accepted the call as pastor of Antioch Baptist Church on November 1, 2020. His parents were members of Antioch shortly after he was born in 1975, so he was raised at Antioch throughout his childhood and youth. Bro. Justin was saved at the age of 13 in 1988, and at the age of 17, on July 26, 1992, he announced his call to preach the gospel. On August 3, 1996, Bro. Justin married Kimberly Harper (Crossville, AL.) at Antioch Baptist Church. He and his wife have 3 children, (Payton, Parker, & Patrick) and currently reside in Albertville, AL. Bro. Justin is a 1993 graduate of Boaz High School in Boaz, AL. and received his college education at Athens State University in Elementary Education. He accepted his first pastorate at Central Baptist Church in Rockledge, AL. and was ordained at Antioch Baptist Church on May 2, 1999. Over the years he has pastored 6 churches previous to being the current pastor at Antioch. Bro. Justin is the 11th pastor in the 90 year history of Antioch Baptist Church.